
Accreditations, Collaborations, and Alliances

The accreditations to sustainability protocols pursued by Habitech are increasingly significant for the construction industry, as they demonstrate the company’s commitment to sustainability and environmental quality in buildings.


These important recognitions are awarded by national or international independent bodies such as the Green Business Certification Inc. for LEED, BRE Global for BREEAM, and the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) for WELL.

Habitech’s collaborations are partnerships or alliances aimed at enhancing a more participatory governance to become a tool for integrated social enterprise sustainability, combining economic development, environmental awareness, and the creation of social value.

Habitech’s alliances or memberships are the ideal solution for those who wish to actively participate in our mission and contribute to the promotion of sustainable and energy-efficient buildings.

    Contact us.

    We are available to answer your sustainability questions.